SmartView launches a project to measure agile transformation in the enterprise. The goal is to get the best out of people, methods and tools. On the tools side, the SmartView team focused on their core competencies: Agile, Atlassian, Microsoft and Business Intelligence.
SmartView's three partners, Christophe Monnier, Stéphane Génin and Yassine Zakaria, talk about their vision for the company's transformation.
We have transcribed several passages here. You will find the link to the complete interview (12 minutes) at the end of the article.
What does it mean to measure agility in the enterprise?
Above all, it means taking an interest in how the company operates, and especially in the men and women who make it work. It means asking the question of the company's ability to change course, to react, to adapt to a new market or a new competition. Finally, it means being able to adapt in real time to a new context.
The tool and agility
Many companies think that this is the tool that will enable them to become agile. At SmartView, we believe that the most important thing in a company is the people who make it up. Then come the methods and lastly, the tools. The tool allows us to provide information that will be a basis for exchange and therefore improvement for the teams. It also makes it possible to measure this improvement and thus to see if the teams are moving in the right direction.
In the field, many people today call themselves agile. However, when you dig deeper, you realize that this is not always the case. We must also be careful with the term "tool". The tool, and the measurement it allows, is not there to sanction a team. The tool or tools must be used above all to recommend a certain number of areas for improvement for the team and the company. So what is the purpose of measuring agility? Quite simply to develop very good quality products.
Measuring agile transformation - a project we care about
This project to "measure agility" is a reflection that SmartView has been conducting for some time. The objective is to synergize the expertise, skills, methods and tools we work with. The goal is not to produce a tool that only gives indicators. A poorly used tool could result in results that do not show the reality of what is happening in the company.
The idea we have of a "tool" is that it can give us a kind of graduation on a certain number of aspects of agility, and especially on the production of value for the company. Thus, with the help of diagnoses and interviews, we will be able to recommend a certain number of areas for improvement on different points: the team, management, business, prioritization of subjects, speed of delivery, etc. These areas should enable the team to improve its performance and to improve the quality of its work. These areas should allow the agile team to put them into practice on the ground in order to gradually optimize their products and their activity.
What our associates say...
" This project, which is based on SmartView's strong values (Pride, Initiative, Honesty and Solidarity), is above all an adventure that we want to share with our clients and our teams. Stéphane Génin
" This work around agility allows us to bring together all of our strengths and skills and it reinforces the common mission and goals we have at SmartView." Christophe Monnier
" Sincerely, this is a project that has the support of our teams. Everyone is enthusiastic, whether it's the Atlassian team, the Microsoft team, the BI team or, of course, the agile team. Everyone is motivated by this project! " Yassine Zakaria
Interview conducted during the summer of 2020 at SmartView's offices in Montpellier.