Our agile expertise

MOVE TO A MORE AGILE APPROACH thanks to our training and support. An ITERATIVE, COLLABORATIVE, QUALITATIVE, PERFORMING approach, to bring more value to your customers and bring an optimal operating mode to your collaborators.


SmartView has been your value creation partner since 2010: diagnostics, training, agile transformation support, events.

We support individuals, teams and organizations to facilitate the implementation and adoption of agile practices and, more broadly, of an agile culture. This, in order to promote the production of value, the quality of work accomplished, the reduction of time to market, communication and collaboration.

Our support in detail

Our consultants and coaches have extensive field experience as coaches, product owners, Scrum Masters, managers or team members. We work in various fields of activity (health, insurance, banking, public service, ESN, editors, start-ups...).

We have conducted several hundred agility training courses since 2010, in-person, remote or e-learning mode. All of this, for a wide variety of audiences, in a wide variety of industries.

To help you, we will be your advisor with a clear, frank, pragmatic speech. We will not make you dream of unattainable benefits to please you.

Assess the agility of your team / organization

Where does your team, your company, your organization stand in terms of agility? Take this quick 12-question test, to get an initial opinion on the subject and assess your agility. The questions are broad and generic enough to lend themselves to most contexts.

Examples of missions


Support for agile transformation and program management at a legal tech publisher

Publisher Agile

Support of a team and program by a Scrum Master / coach

Insurance Agile

Support for agile transformation and program management in an international software & hardware program

Industry Agile

Supporting agile transformation and program management in the public sector

Energy Agile


Agile awareness


Agile training


Diagnostic agile

Coaching and consulting

Coaching and agile consulting


The ability to become more agile in an uncertain and changing environment is one of the hallmarks of successful companies in the 21st century.

This gain in agility requires a change in work practices, but also in the state of mind, in the organizational culture.

An agile transformation process is a real change management process involving the entire company: operational, organizational and human changes.

It must be understood by everyone, especially the people whose influence will allow this approach to infuse the various departments, services and teams.


Training everyone will allow to align everyone on the possible changes to be implemented in terms of know-how and behaviour.

We propose to train the teams and the management so that everyone understands what agility is, what it can bring, what it implies, and the multiple possible ways to gain agility.

We recommend a course composed of several modules followed by all your teams.

This basic foundation can be completed, upon request, by more advanced modules.


Knowing where you stand is essential to progress. Knowing what you want to achieve is essential to know what to progress on.

A diagnostic to evaluate your current agility in relation to your ambition will be carried out at the beginning of the mission on the basis of our observations and exchanges.

This diagnostic will be reviewed at regular intervals to illustrate your progress towards your goal.

To proceed in this way requires a continuous effort of observation and consolidation throughout the duration of the accompaniment, more important at the beginning of the mission.

Coaching and consulting

Coaching and consulting complement awareness, diagnostic and training. We provide a coach on a regular basis to help you solve your operational problems.

Coaching of individuals and teams will be done on an ongoing basis, according to the needs expressed by the people being supported.

Coaching incorporates many activities, for example:

  • Individual consulting focused on a given mission (Scrum Master, Product Owner, manager, developer)
  • Facilitating collaborative workshops around a given topic (product vision, team spirit, alignment with practices...)
  • Observing team rituals for counseling purposes...

Our consultants/coaches know how to adapt their posture to each situation:

  • Coach: to put you on the right track and guide you in your search for solutions and your evolution
  • Consultant: to advise you based on our past experiences and our expertise

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