We are convinced that we can help companies and people grow by placing people at the heart of the transformation, with pride and honesty.
35 people
A team on a human scale
15 women / 17 men
Equal opportunities
Offices in France
Paris, Montpellier
200 clients
Key accounts, ETI, public services...
15 years of existence
Hundreds of projects completed
Transformation accelerator
In 2010, the SmartView adventure began in Montpellier around 4 main values: Pride, Honesty, Initiative and Solidarity.
Smartview is a 30-strong consulting and training firm based in Paris and Montpellier.
We support our customers (SMEs, ETIs, large groups, public organizations) to implement new organizations, new processes and digital tools for collaboration and decision making.
We are transformation gas pedals: we enable our clients to innovate and create value faster, more agilely and more efficiently.
Every day, our consultants help our customers - large companies, SMEs, software publishers, local authorities and government departments - to improve their operations and become simpler, more efficient and more innovative.
They help them to progressively implement new human-based organizations, new efficient agile processes between business and IT teams, and relevant digital collaboration, productivity and decision-making solutions, adapted to their present and future needs.
We are convinced that innovation is the key issue for our clients to ensure differentiation and sustainable performance in their market. We advise and support our clients to improve creativity, agility and quality in their team processes and software tools.
Our values
We are proud of our achievements. We are committed to maintaining the level of quality and commitment necessary to keep that feeling and share it with our customers and employees.
We give our opinion on your projects and your requirements. We do not hesitate to challenge you, based on our experiences.
We are not alone! We share our experiences among our experts. When you choose a SmartView consultant, you benefit from the expertise of an entire team.
We are actively involved in your projects. Your success is our success. We don't just do what we are asked to do, we seek to identify your needs and cover them.
Why choose us?
Our offers are aimed in particular at CIOs, business departments and publishers, at all organizations that develop and maintain software as a strategic asset.
Our consultants work with passion, conviction and empathy for our customers, with the objective of long-term satisfaction and sharing our knowledge.
They are supported by multi-skilled teams with a wealth of expertise (including Microsoft 365 & Power Platform, AI Copilot, Business Intelligence PowerBI , DevOps, etc.), and our experience in 1gile transformations (Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Design Thinking, Management 3.0, SAFe, etc.).
We are a winner of the Deloitte-Fast 50 ranking of the most successful technology companies (2013 and 2014) and of the Top 500 Les Echos ranking (2017 to 2020).
Where to find us?
SmartView Montpellier
1021 avenue Nina Simone
Std : +33 (0)4 67 65 61 27
SmartView Paris
55 Boulevard de Charonne
75011 PARIS
Std : +33 (0)4 67 65 61 27