Jira filter: Include a filter in another one

Include a Jira filter in another JQL

In this article, I will show you why and how to include a Jira filter in another one. 

To finish this series about searching in Jira, I would just like to tell you about a rather handy and not always well known feature that saves time by simplifying the maintenance of filters. 

Let's say I have a team working on 3 projects. The "Teams in space" project, the "Team travel web" project and the "Platform" project. I want to find all the open requests on these 3 projects. The first way to do this is to create a search:

Status = " To Do " and project in (" Teams in space ", " Team travel web ", " platform ")

But I also need to find all the unresolved requests that relate to this team.

Again, I'll do a search:

resolution is empty and project in ("Teams in space", "Team travel web", "platform")

However, we find that it is quite tedious. Every time I have to do a search for my team, I have to list the projects. On the other hand, if the team in question is assigned a 4th project, I would have to go back to each of the filters to update them. A first way to address the problem is to use the project category. 

Using project categories in a Jira search

Each project can be associated with a category. It turns out that in my example, each project belongs to the "Web Team" category. Therefore, I will be able to search using the category criterion:

category = " web team " and status = " To Do ".

Note that the "category" criterion is only accessible in advanced search. So using this feature, if I add a new project to the "web team" category, the query doesn't need any particular maintenance. 

For example, if I add the "IOS" project to the category, my requests will still work. I would now find the requests of my 4 projects.

Include a Jira filter in another one : why ?

This method is convenient but has two limitations. The first is that the Category field only applies to projects. So if I wanted to group my requests for a team in any other way than based on the project criterion, it wouldn't work. Second limitation, a project can only belong to one category. So now let's imagine that in addition to grouping by team as is the case here, I need to consolidate my projects by classifying them into a strategic and non-strategic project category. All of this, with reference to this project list in the simplest way possible. 

My suggestion is to create a "Strategic Project Requests" search with the list of relevant projects as criteria. Example: 

Project in ( IOS app, Android app, Web browser app)

I save this Jira filter. Now, if I want to get the list of requests in the "To Do" status of strategic projects, I can create a search :

Jira search and filter - advanced search or JQL

status = "To Do" and filter = "Strategic Project Requests

I can create a filter for all resolved strategic project requests in the same way. This way, if I need to change the list of these strategic projects, I only have to do it once in my first filter. Please note that for users to be able to use these different filters, they must all be shared with the relevant people, including the included filter. 

I hope this article has been useful to you and that it will help you organize your Jira filters correctly to save time on maintenance. 

Stéphane GENIN

Stéphane GENIN

General Manager

Include a Jira filter in another JQL


An article by

Stéphane GENIN

Stéphane GENIN

General Manager

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