" The short term and long term IT challenges of my company: my choice of Jira Service Management with SmartView "

"I'm going to speak in full transparency". A good start for an interview! Our guest works for a global leader, specializing in electrical distribution and energy management. From short-term emergencies to long-term strategy, IT consulting and ITIL, Atlassian Jira and Service Now... Consultant Olga Campeis collected her testimony on hot topics. 30 minutes in the company of a high-flying IT professional.
In compliance with company rules, the name and company of our guest have been kept anonymous.
Olga: We're talking about IT. How is "honesty" essential in your business?
Guest: I have years of experience working with consulting firms. One message for all these firms: sell something the client needs! As a company, I need complete transparency. As a manager, I need to understand what we can do, what we can't do. The most amazing thing? This type of consulting firm is so rare to find in the market.
The transparency is a great advantage of SmartView compared to others. A real pleasure!
Olga: Sometimes customers want to hear what they like to hear. With your company, things are different. So it's a shared pleasure!
Guest: We have an open approach. Here's a recent example. A new topic came up. A SmartView team member said, "I don't have the answer," offered to check and came back with the answer. I know I can trust this consultant's answer. Sometimes SmartView offers a more flexible and cost-effective option for my business, even if it makes less money! That's a real change!
Olga: SmartView is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Do you have a message for us?
Guest: I usually decline interviews because it's not company policy. I'm happy to add value to SmartView as well. Your company name is the right one: you provide SmartView. Because it brings a lot of value. Because you are smart, pragmatic and provide long-term benefits.

Olga: Thank you! Because of Covid-19, is it realistic to work on the "long term"?
Guest: Don't get me wrong! Sometimes we need a quick fix, resulting in immediate but unconvincing results. However, providing a long-term perspective is really what we want to do... At least we are taking it one step at a time, with an agile approach. Our goal is to get closer to the long-term goal we have set for ourselves.
Olga: Atlassian's Jira Service Desk is part of your scope. Where do you see this solution in your IT "master plan"?
Guest: Sometimes people think that ticketing is just a detail. Ticketing, with the right structure, through the service catalog, SLAs, is the IT backbone of the company. It's not just a notepad. It is the way in which efficiency is achieved and daily IT processes are organized.
People are implementing ITIL and management repositories. But you really need the right DNA and structure, otherwise it will only stay on paper.
Olga: So you see ticketing systems as an essential link?
Guest: Yes, ticketing is a big part of it. "Blind implementation" through processes: produce, produce, produce, produce... but what is the strategy? We can't move forward without thinking. Whatever we do, we look ahead. We have achieved excellent results with the implementation of Jira Service Management* at headquarters. And now more and more subsidiaries worldwide are also migrating to Jira.
Olga: Any examples?
Guest: At headquarters, one department told us: "Jira is only suitable for IT people". They had compared Jira to outsourced ticketing services. Then they were pleasantly surprised by the result: "Are you sure it's really Jira?" they concluded!
Olga: Why did Jira make the difference?
Guest: You can do it quickly and well. You can also spend hours planning the ideal solution. However, the right approach is to work on corrective actions, ask current and future users about their expectations, requirements, constraints, etc. Not only with Jira, I have already used Service Now.
Olga: ... and you didn't like Jira at first!
Guest: That's right, Olga, you have a good memory! Service Now was really well organized. I was blind because I was trying to see Jira through the prism of other tools. Thanks to SmartView for opening my eyes! I ended up becoming "Mrs. Jira"! But my real job is to raise awareness. I bring new answers to specific needs or following an audit. I appreciate the help of SmartView. You can make mistakes just about anywhere. It's like cooking, there are many ways to make mistakes.

Olga: The kitchen, a great metaphor. And if a CIO or IT manager asked you about SmartView, what would you say?
Guest: SmartView listens. We tell the consultants what we need. They work on the requirements and then present us with a solution. What I like is that SmartView explains the long-term benefits: maintenance, efficiency, standardization...
Olga: If Jira is the IT backbone, you have a huge impact... for better or for worse?
Guest: Ticketing impacts the way people work. Users could become schizophrenic if we are not careful. We need user collaboration. Some companies offer things that customers want in the short term... but in the long term, it's a different story!
Olga: Why do you refer to SmartView as a true partner?
Guest: An important part is communication with SmartView. When you think people are interested in you, then the collaboration works. Whatever we do, whatever we discuss, it's a strong partnership. One of my company values is to enjoy making a difference. I love working with SmartView. It's so important. Especially in the Covid context. Every time I need a new improvement proposal, a new feature to analyze, I do it with joy! And I know that feeling is shared with my partner...
Olga: I really appreciate having a single point of contact. You took care of all the needs. Then all the contacts were added to the project. We did things faster and better. We both know how we work. I really like that.
Guest: The partnership and trust is perpetual. There is no ON/OFF switch
Olga: And you have great interviewing skills too!
Guest: It's a matter of context. You know I'm really sincere. I can't lie. I don't like to lie. Transparency is the fundamental point.
Olga: How do you see the future?
Guest: I think after a year of continuous development, I would like to first dig into the strategy and meaning of IT processes within the company. I want to identify areas where the ticketing tool and consulting services can add more value. We had a firefighter approach, now we need to take a breath, build a federated ITSM** approach from Jira with the right integration.
At the head office, Jira is used. Other subsidiaries around the world also have Jira or other ticketing tools. We need a federated, connected and shared platform, but without compromising the current result achieved by each subsidiary. This requires a long-term, global, integrated IT approach.
Olga: Thank you for your valuable time!
Guest: (phone starts ringing) My next call is about the service catalog. It's going to be the backbone of the company. I'm now taking a long-term view...
Interview conducted by our consultant Olga Campeis.
Olga is a consultant at SmartView. She works mainly with Jira and Confluence to federate processes and produce continuous improvement.
*Jira Service Management: formerly Jira Service Desk
**ITSM: IT Service Management
(English version below)
Mixing short-term and long-term Enterprise IT: my choice for Jira Service Desk with SmartView
"I will speak honestly." Nice start for an interview! Our Guest works for a Worldwide Leading Service Provider in the Energy Business. Short-term emergency vs longer-term strategy, IT guidance vs ITIL, Atlassian Jira vs Service Now... Consultant Olga Campeis got insights over many hot topics. 30 minutes well spent with a world-class IT Professional.
To follow company rules, our Guest's name and company remain anonymous.
Olga: We are talking about IT. Why is "honesty" essential in your Business?
Guest: I've got years of experience in working with Consultancy Firms. One message to all of them: sell something that the customer needs! As a business, I need complete transparency. As a manager, I need to understand what we can do, what we cannot do. The amazing fact? This type of Consultancy Firm is so rare to find on the market.
Transparency is a big value-add for SmartView compared to others. A real pleasure!
Olga: Sometimes clients want to hear what they like to hear. With your Company, things are different. Therefore it is a shared pleasure!
Guest: We have an open approach. Here is a recent example. A new topic came up. Your SmartView team member said "I don't have the answer", offered to check and came back with the response. I know I can trust the answer from this Consultant. Sometimes SmartView will come up with a more flexible and cost-effective option for my Company, despite earning less money! It makes a refreshing change!
Olga: Our Company celebrates its 10th Anniversary. Anything to say?
Guest: I typically decline interviews because it is not company policy. I'm glad to bring added value to SmartView as well. Your Company name is the right name: you provide a Smart View. Because it brings a lot of value. Because you are: Smart, Pragmatic and bring long-term Benefits.
Olga: Thank you! Because of Covid-19, is it realistic to think "Long-Term"?
Guest: Don't get me wrong! Sometimes, we do need a quick win, which results in quick but dirty options. However providing a long-term perspective is really what we want to do... At least, we move forward by a small short step, with an agile approach. Our aim is to get positioned closer to the long-term designed goal.
Olga: Jira Service Management* from Atlassian is part of your responsibilities. Where do you see this solution in your IT "Grand Plan"?
Guest: Sometimes people think Ticketing is not even interesting to mention. Ticketing, with the right structure, across Service Catalogue, SLA, is the backbone of the Company IT. It is not just a notebook. It is the way efficiency comes and day-to-day IT processes are organized.
People implement ITIL and design standards. But you really need the right DNA and structure, otherwise it will only stay on paper.
Olga: So you see Ticketing Systems as part of the big picture?
Guest: Yes, ticketing has a large footprint. "Blind execution" through processes: deliver deliver deliver... but what is the strategy? We cannot move like headless chickens. Whatever we do, we think about the future. We have great results with our implementation of Jira Service Desk at Headquarters. And now more and more subsidiaries worldwide are moving to Jira too.
Olga: Any examples?
Guest: At Headquarters, one Department said "Jira is for IT people only". They benchmarked Jira against externalized Ticketing Systems. They were pleasantly surprised with the result: "Are you sure this is really Jira?"!
Olga: Why did Jira make a difference?
Guest: You can make it quick & dirty. You can as well spend ages on planning the ideal solution. However the right approach is to work on the improvement actions, ask future and current users for their expectations, requirements, constraints, etc. Not just with Jira, I've used Service Now previously.
Olga: ... and you didn't like Jira at the start!
Guest: Good memory Olga! Service Now was so well organized. I was ignorant because I was trying to see Jira through the prism of other tools. Thank you SmartView for opening my eyes! I eventually became "Mrs Jira"! But my real job is to bring awareness to the Company. I provide better responses to specific needs or following an audit. I do appreciate SmartView's help. You can do it wrong everywhere. It is like cooking, there are many ways to get it wrong.
Olga: Cooking, nice analogy. And if a CIO or IT Manager asked about SmartView, what would you respond?
Guest: SmartView do listen. We tell the Consultants our needs. They work on the requirements then they come with a proposal. What I like with the SmartView people, you explain the long-term benefits: maintenance, efficiency, standardization...
Olga: If Jira is the IT backbone, you do have a deep impact... for the better or for the worse?
Guest: Ticketing impacts the way people work. Users could become schizophrenic if we are not careful. We need collaboration with users! Some companies do offer things clients want short term... but long term is a different story!
Olga: Why do you refer to SmartView as a true partner?
Guest: One important part is interpersonal relationship with SmartView. When you think people care, then the chemistry works. Whatever we do, whatever we discuss, it is a solid partnership. One of my Company's values is to enjoy making a difference. I do enjoy working with SmartView. It is so important. Especially in the Covid context. Whenever I need another improvement initiative, new functionality to analyze, , I do it with joy! And I know this feeling is shared with my business partner...
Olga: I really appreciate having one point of contact. You took all needs. Then all the relationships were added to this. We did things faster and better. We both know how we work. I really enjoy it.
Guest: Partnership and trust is continuous. There is no ON/OFF button
Olga: And you have fantastic interview skills too!
Guest: This is a question of context. You know I am really honest. I cannot lie. I don't like to lie. Transparency is the main point.
Olga: How do you see the future?
Guest: I believe after one year of continuous development, I'd like to first drain the strategy and the meaning of the IT processes within the Company. I want to identify where both the Ticketing Tool and Consultancy Services may bring better value. We had a fireman's approach, now we need to take a deep breath, build a federated Jira ITSM** approach with the right integration. At Headquarters, Jira is used but as well other subsidiaries worldwide own Jira or other ticketing tools. We need a federated platform, connected and shared but without ruining the current result achieved by each subsidiary. It means a long-term IT approach, worldwide, integrated.
Olga: Thank you for your precious time!
Guest: (phone ringing) My next call is about the Service Catalog. It will become the backbone for the Company. I'm acting now with long-term in mind...
Olga Campeis
Olga is a Consultant at SmartView. She works mainly with Jira and Confluence to federate processes and produce continuous improvement.
*Jira Service Management : formerly known as Jira Service Desk
**ITSM: IT Service Management